We have had some pretty we weather lately. Summer is for sure over. The last storm dumped a good 8-10" of very wet snow here, old timers said if was very rare to see such wet snow and so much. It is snowing again today, not as wet though. Temps are around 30F. I was supposed to go on a short snowmobile trip up Mt Erebus today but the snow canceled that, next week we try again. All the moisture means we don't have to go far for ice for drinks though. 
NASA is here testing out their inflatable lunar habitat. They plan on leaving it here for a year to see how it holds up. They are also testing a small version of their next mars/lunar rover I forget which.

So thats about it. My day to leave is the 21st of Feb, subject to weather. Travel plans right now are a few weeks in NZ, a week in Australia then home, that could change too. Almost a month away.
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