Wow, Its been a month since I've updated. Im keeping very busy, flying every day averaging about 3-4 flights per day. Ive been fortunate enough to have people wanting to fly up to the mountain the last four days straight. Its hard to beat being paid to have fun. Students can be stressful at times, imagine teaching a four year old to drive a stick shift from the back seat. Thats what it feels like some times anyway. Today, I had a couple guys a couple guys that wanted the bush experience, so I went out, did some stuff on gravel at Talkeetna, flew over a glacier, showed them a moose, and they were excited and said they wanted to move here and take up flying. Its amazing how I can show folks a thing or two and they think its just the coolest thing ever. Some days are really easy in that regard.

That's pretty cool, quite being a wuss about the cold! Don't see me complaining.
I'm so freak'n jealous...
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