Mount Erebus, the resident active volcano. It stands about 13,000 feet and is about 30 miles away

Me standing out in front of Erebus. The ice below me is seasonal sea ice. In a couple months this will be open water.

For sea ice school we rode out in a Haglund. It's a cool little vehicle. Both the front and rear are powered. It has a bilge pump and an escape hatch in the top so if you fall through the sea ice the vehicle will float and you can get out of the top.

At this point the computer decided to stop me from uploading anymore pictures so I'll try again later on. I got myself signed up for snow school, so in a couple weeks I get to do a 2 day camping trip. Fun stuff
Great pictures! How cold is it most of the time there? We can't wait to see more pictures.
Ivan the Terra bus? You've got to have a sense of humor in Antarctica, I guess.
Good luck in Snow school. Take care of yourself.
Your cousin,
I want the bus! The ultimate SUV!
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