We had a penguin wander up near the runway today. They have no land based predators so they have no fear of man. This little guy was letting us walk right up to him. He was actually very calm, just sitting there looking at us and town. This is an adelie, emperors should come later, they stand about waist high. It was about -15F out but the dry air makes it pretty manageable as long as the wind stays down. 
The day before that I volunteered to be a part of a crew to maintain a couple of the trails near town. For my efforts I got a trail marker that they don't sell, so its kind of a neat thing to have. I don't have a picture of it but here I am looking busy. (Grey fleece).
Above is town fro observation hill. As the season has gotten going I've had more free time. There is not a terrible amount to do in town besides read and watch movies, during the day anyway, so I've been out doing some walking as much as I can. Below is the back side of ob hill facing the permanent ice shelf. Scott base, run by the Kiwi's, is in the center.
Each picture takes about 5 minutes to load so Im going to take a break for now. I have more to put up so check in tomarow night. We have reasonably fast internet here but the problem is everyone have to send and recieve through the same pipe line so it can get slow some times. Right now its getting to be dinner time so the connection bogs way down as folks get off work. I've been on a rotating three 12 hour shift, two day off schedule. Most of the folks here work six nine or ten hour days with Sunday off.
Everyone who has see the penguin pictures thinks that it is really cool! You need to email Grandma Honey. She was asking about you. I can't wait to see more pictures.
I like the penguin pictures!
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