Sunday, January 27, 2008

Well, I wish I had a camera for this one but I didn't.

I was watching a group of penguins inch up to the ice edge like they were looking at going fishing soon. They usualy all kind of gather close, stare down at the water for a while and then leap in rapid fire style. Well, today they were doing just that, getting close to the edge, ready for a swim and then whale popped up.

Now, killer whales (Orca) eat penguins. They are known to be nasty bastards. They fly up on the ice or up on to the beach and devour penguins five at a time. They have been known to tip over sheets of ice to make the penguins fall in the water. The short of it is penguins dont like whales. They are not friends.

So anyway, this group of penguins is secconds away from a merry fishing trip and they see this 5 ton beast not five feet away. And they ran, and ran, and ran, then ran some more. This is running at full penguin waddle speed. I was watching through binoculars but I could see thier little penguin beaks open and screaming 'run away'. These penguins were sprinting at like five or six miles an hour, everyone of them. The funny thing is, they didnt just run a few feet a way. No no. They ran a good fifty yardss, not stopping. Now, this time, the whale wasn't looking for a meal, just taking a breath. But those little guys were not taking any chances they ran as far as thier 2 inch legs could take them.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I wish you had had your camera! I can just imagine what that scene looked like.